Sharon Westrupp
Committee of Management Member
Ko Iranui Haapu tōku kuia
Ko Mahue Kokiri tōku koroua
Ko Leslie Kokiri Grant tōku pāpā
Ko Marileen Dinnis tōku māmā
Engari, e tipu ake au ki te taha o toku matua whangai, ko Hana raua ko Harry Grant
Ko Sharon Westrupp ahau
Attending our farm and whānau hui since I was young, (yes, I was one of those kids who ran in and out of the meetings while all the adults asked questions of the committees), I have always been led back home to Whangara, especially where our whenua and mahi is concerned. My own children followed my steps, in that they then became the kids running in and out while I stood amongst the whānau with my own questions.
Having been nominated onto the committee for Tapuwae Whitiwhiti in 2013, I have been very eager to learn what happens on the ‘other side of the table’, whilst ensuring that the voice of the whanau is heard and that Te Ao Māori is always a strong consideration in what we do as a business.
In 2014 & 2015 saw my inclusion in a sub-committee which measured the pros and cons for our inclusion in the Whangara Farms Partnership. Upon our joining of the Whangara Farms Partnership in 2015, I quickly joined the Whangara Farms sub-committee for Branding, which was responsible for guiding the new website development as well as development of our own unique branding for our products.
In 2018 I completed a Diploma in Māori Leadership and Governance, which has enabled me to ask the right questions and provide sound information when needed. I have regularly attended FOMA conferences on behalf of our committee. I am also able to keep up with new trends and ideas happening locally, nationally and internationally, as well as networking with other influential Māori business people.
However, beyond all of this, my core focus is that our Tapuwae Whitiwhiti whenua and farming business will be of benefit to us now, to our children tomorrow and to their children mo ake tonu. I believe in the concept that we are only caretakers of the land and therefore see it as my responsibility to ensure that our farming is based on a long-term vision where the land is our provider, but also is protected by us.
Our land is representative of who we are as a people, therefore its up to us to showcase our culture in all aspects.
Toitu te whenua, toitu te tangata
The land thrives, the people thrive