100 Year Whenua Optimisation Masterplan, He Rau Ake Ake Announcement

Wednesday 12 February
Media Release for Immediate Release
Whāngārā Farms in partnership with Ministry for Primary Industries, and funded by the Māori Agribusiness Climate Programme are working to develop a visionary 100-year masterplan for the whenua that outlines how the business, shareholders and its constituents would like to see current and future generations thrive and prosper on its 8,000+ hectares of whenua (land) in Whāngārā Farms partnership blocks. It will involve convening a project team of eminent experts in the fields of biodiversity, land use optimisation, livestock management, afforestation, project evaluation and decision-making framework. He Rau Ake Ake, the masterplan, establishes a holistic multi-generational vision centred in Taiao for the best possible returns for business in harmony with how all whānau can be better connected to and live prosperously with their whenua (land).
Growing sustainable regions and helping regional communities reach their economic, environmental and social potential is critical to the goals of Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) who have an important role to play in the Masterplan as the key funder and partner of the initiative.
The future-focused masterplan’s overarching aim is to support the business to thrive economically and support its’ shareholders and hapū in living aligned to their values, while providing inter-generational opportunities for all.
“The overarching desire is that the 100-year Whenua Optimisation Masterplan sets both a national and international standard for futureproofing for whenua Māori and Māori Incorporations,” Anthony Creswell.
Lead organisations involved in the project alongside Whāngārā Farms in partnership with Ministry for Primary Industries are; Jay Whitehead (Matatihi) and Phil Kupenga Tupuna Pai Evaluation and Decsion Making Framework, Lachie Grant Landvision Land use optimisation, Roger MacGibbon Tonkin & Taylor Biodiversity management, Don Hammond Hammond Resource Management Afforestation Planning, Greg Tattersfield Farmpro Livestock optimisation. It is rare to get this level and collection of skills working simultaneously on one project. It is a powerhouse of talent committed to a common purpose. The intent of He Rau Ake Ake is to develop a plan that balances and blends each of these disciplines into a collaborative strategy where each of these elements is optimised in harmony with what whānau and shareholders want from the whenua.
Taiao is central to the 100-year masterplan process as is the need to hear from business leaders, community advocates, shareholders, their whānau and residents to better understand their priorities and concerns as Whāngārā Farms builds a roadmap to guide the Farms for the next 100 years.
He Rau Ake Ake will be an official document that sets long-range goals and policies that shape future land use, address community expectations informed by shareholder and whānau input, and take into consideration climate change, taiao and domestic/global challenges. The 100-year masterplan will also consider the success of recent projects such as Whāngārā Farms wetlands, tree planting and native nursery feasibility. Alongside this, a focus area of the masterplan process will be forecasting economic opportunities both from existing and new activity such as Harakeke production and vertically integrated business that advocate strongly for local solutions enabling shareholders as the kaitiaki of their whenua and taiao.
“This is not just the creation of an all-encompassing dynamic Masterplan, but more importantly a Master planning methodology that can be shared with and used by other likeminded organisations enabling regional growth and climate resilience,” says Whāngārā Farms Business Manager, Ray Leach.
A centre piece of the He Rau Ake Ake planning will be to uncover, map and safeguard culturally significant sites throughout the farms, a process led by the Whāngārā Farms Taiao Advisory Group members Matire Kupenga-Wanoa and Ana Kingi-Taumaunu. The cultural mapping will make visible and bring to the forefront local pūrākau (stories), practices, relationships and meaningful locations throughout the farms. These sites will be protected for future generations by adapting farm practices now and in the future.
Whāngārā Farms and Ministry for Primary Industries expect to move quickly and strategically with the master plan process. The collective studies and findings of the project team will confirm that there is significant economic and environmental benefits to be gained. Developing the 100-year masterplan and vision will provide a roadmap for implementing these very important community decisions.
For media enquiries, please contact:
Toni Akana, Communications Specialist
info@whāngārāfarms.co.nz | 021 022 04172
About Whāngārā Farms:
Whāngārā Farms is a partnership made up of three Māori Incorporations, Whāngārā B5, Pakarae A and Other Blocks, and Tapuwae Whitiwhiti on the East Coast of the North Island. The total farming area is 8,500ha and runs approx. 80,000 stock units of sheep and beef.
Whāngārā Farms is committed to driving growth and excellence in New Zealand's Agribusiness sector.